Tips On Working Smarter

Report this article if you suspect it is not original content, is in violation of our Editorial Guidelines or our Author's Terms of Service.When you move up the management ladder remember, more is expected of you. Many folk take on the "junkyard dog" personality: they don't do much but sit around and growl. Unless you're guarding twenty year-old rusted out Citations, this probably won't work well.
Here are some tips and observations for your consideration.
1. KNOW WHAT YOUR NEW JOB ENTAILSLook around you. Research. Has this job ever been successfully done by anyone on the Planet Earth in modern time? If the answer is "no", get out..get out now. Some jobs float in the want-ads, month after month, year after year. Your firm may be incompetent, incorrigible or worse. However, if there has been success, even sporadic success, you may want to stay on.
Know what is expected of you on your job? Research, study, ask questions, take notes, keep a notebook. He or she who you relieved may be of help. Ignorance is really not as bad as stupidity. With perserverence and work you can move from the delightful promotion to competence.
2. MAINTAIN A MONTHLY TICKLER FILESet up a file your desk drawer (not the assistants), make a folder for each month. Keep all communications, letters, complaints, meeting notes, etc. in the file. This is above the paperwork that is required to be filed each month in other places.
If you can set such a system up in your computer, go ahead. Just make sure that the info can easily be retrieved.
3. MEETING SCHEDULE, APPOINTMENTS AND THE LIKEIf you have one of those big desk table calendars, that will do the trick. Mark down the appointments in the blocks of the month when the meeting occurs. That way, you don't have to go into the computer to see if you have an afternoon meeting..all you have to do is move your doughnut!
4. WORKING SMARTERA lot of people work late. I guess that it's to impress their boss. I've found, in my opinion, that working late sucks and really doesn't get much done for you or the company. Let's face it, you're burned out by 5 p.m. How much meaningful stuff are you going to get done by 10 p.m.
If you can and if the company will let you in-WORK EARLY!
You probably will get more done from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. than you would in an eight hour day. The phone is not ringing, the boss is not bugging you about the report that was due yesterday and you are not distracted by the talking of others. Try it-you might like it.
5. TREAT ALL WITH DIGNITY AND RESPECTJokes, cuts, barbs about other people are best reserved for Bubba's Bar when you are unemployed. These indiscretions often come back and bite you. Besides, such talk is below you. You are, probably, an honorable person. Additionally, racist, sexist and ethnic slurs just don't cut it in the workplace today.
Remember, you are what you mete!


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