We all know high blood pressure is not funny, particularly when you get the bill and the side effects that come with ALL the prescriptions. Even if you have health insurance paying the immediate bills, you are still paying for the drugs – either through less pay or working at a job you hate but took for the “benefits”.
All drugs are toxic and they are not designed to “cure” your health problem. They are designed to put money into the drug manufacture’s pockets and keep you hooked for the rest of your life.
HPB is almost 100% preventable and/or curable but you have to obtain the secrets from someone other than a drug company or their representatives.
Linus Pauling reported years ago that all disease is related to the lack of trace minerals in the food we eat. In fact, there are almost no trace minerals in any food today unless the food is of organic nature.
There is a great website, www.prestigepublishing.com created by Dr Sherry Rogers MD. Her most recent book is called “The High Blood Pressure Hoax”. The point of her book is about the cause of high blood pressure & treatment.
HBP is mainly caused by trace mineral shortage of Magnesium.
Usually a patient’s doctor will prescribe a diuretic (first) to treat HBP. By eliminating water in your system, BP decreases but so does trace minerals, magnesium and potassium (Eating bananas will replace some potassium.) When magnesium declines in the body, BP also increases.
After a while, diuretics stop working and your doctor adds other medications.
Most health problems will disappear if you supplement with trace minerals, beneficial fatty acids, and eat/ grow healthy foods.
Six Natural Ways to Decrease Your BP:
1. Lower your insulin levels. Eliminate sugars, potatoes and grains. Grains are not healthy even the organic because they break down into sugars and the excess is stored as fat.
2. Exercise. If done regularly and in moderation (whatever the activity), helps controls HBP.
3. Obtain your ideal weight. Loosing weight can improve your BP and if you couple that with elimination of sugar, add exercise; you will be on your way to a healthier you.
4. Sunlight. Vitamin D is useful in normalizing HBP. Dermatologists have warned people that sunlight is dangerous and this is not true. We have reached a level of disease caused by the lack of vitamin D from absence of sunlight. Skin cancer is caused by Omega VI’s and sunlight. If you equalize Omega III and Omega VI to a 1 on 1 ratio (the ratio today is 1 to 25 to 1 to 50 because of hydrogenated vegetable oils) the risk of skin cancer almost disappears. Latest evidence shows sun blocks are causing skin cancer, particularly in the young.
5. Reduce stress. Placebos will lower your BP.
6. Add trace minerals. Make sure that you are taking a full compliment of trace minerals that are phyto (plant) derived.
Grocery stores are retailers of “fillers” not healthy food. Shortly, I will have my “Healthy Farmer” book available in e-book format. You may not want to raise a garden or farm the soil but it will offer you a way to learn about healthy food and will educate you on questions you need to ask your grocery supplier. Remember, an alternative solution to controlling HPB is healthy foods & supplements.